Our Staff

  • Nathan Chitwood

    Preaching Minister

         Nathan is a 1993 graduate of Lincoln Christian College (LCU).  He spent 20 years in youth ministry and has been a preaching minister for over 10 years.  He began serving at PCC August 1, 2019.

        He and his wife, Sharon, have been married for 34 years.  They have 4 children and 8 grandchildren.  They love their roles as parents and grandparents!

         Nathan is an avid reader & loves music.  He is a lifelong fan of the Cubs, Colts , Pacers and Indiana Hoosiers. He loves his family and his roles of being a husband, dad and grandpa! 

         The center of his life is his relationship with God thru Jesus.  His desire is to help others to come to know Jesus and to grow in their faith thru the teaching and preaching of the Word, and thru living it out in the world!

       Nathan believes in the power of the Gospel to change lives.  He believes Jesus is our hope for both today and forever.  It is this truth that motivates him daily as he serves God and HIS church